Thank you for making our 6th EUTOPIA week special and unforgettable!


As the representatives of the University of Ljubljana, it has been our pleasure to host everyone in our beautiful city of Ljubljana.

In the hopes that you had the opportunity to work as much as enjoy everything EUTOPIA week Ljubljana had to offer, we kindly invite you to explore the website for additional content, photos and videos.


Kind regards,

University of Ljubljana’s EUTOPIA team

In collaboration with:


EUTOPIA week, a milestone of the construction of the EUTOPIA Alliance, brings together its key players for a five-day long celebration. The EUTOPIA European University Alliance unites ten European universities aiming to become an open, multicultural, confederated operation of connected campuses by 2025. In the past three years many projects, focusing on education, research and student engagement, were developed and came to fruition. Many more opportunities are to come for students, researchers, EUTOPIA staff and strategic partners across the EUTOPIA Alliance in the upcoming years. We are thrilled this time EUTOPIA Week is happening in Ljubljana from 21 –25 November 2022. Here you will find more information about the program, mandatory online registration and additional information regarding EUTOPIA Week in Ljubljana. There are a limited number of spots available for each event, which is why we advise you to register early. Mark your calendars and join us for a week of engaging educational activities, networking, cultural events and more!

Check out the programme here.

Teden zveze EUTOPIA je slavnostni mejnik v razvoju zveze EUTOPIA, ki povezuje ključne akterje zveze in slavi skupne uspehe. Zveza EUTOPIA je učna in raziskovalna skupnost, ki združuje deset Evropskih univerz z enotnim vodilom: ustvariti odprt, raznolik in multikulturno usmerjen visokošolski prostor. V preteklih treh letih je zveza EUTOPIA spodbudila razvoj mnogih projektov, ki poudarjajo pomembnost izobraževanja, raziskovanja in predvsem krepitve aktivne vključenosti študentov v soustvarjanje tega skupnega prostora. V prihodnjih letih študentke in študente, raziskovalke in raziskovalce, ostalo EUTOPIA osebje in strateške partnerice in partnerje čaka še mnogo vznemirljivih priložnosti za krepitev mednarodnega in medsektorskega sodelovanja. Ena izmed teh priložnosti je udeležba na tokratnem tednu zveze EUTOPIA, ki se odvija med 21. in 25. novembrom v Ljubljani. Vabimo vas, da na spletni strani pridobite informacije o poučnih in zabavnih dogodkih, ki smo jih pripravili za vas in se nanje registrirate. Število oseb za posamezne dogodke je omejeno, zato z registracijo ne odlašajte. Pridružite se nam na pet-dnevnem programu pestrih aktivnosti, ki ga ne gre zamuditi!

Program je dostopen tukaj.

Get to know the EUTOPIA alliance